“I consent…” to being well

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A couple of years ago I began working out with a neighbor who invited me to try Beach Body workouts. It’s a program that cost me $14.99 a month that finally offered the three ingredients I needed… accountability, convenience, variety.


I used a tracking app with other women who were working hard to reach their fitness and health goals, and it was INSPIRING. I didn’t even know Debbie in person, and yet, when she lost 15 pounds and felt great in time for a big life event, I teared up. I cheered her on, and all the other women, like they were old friends. We posted pics each day of ourselves working out, and it was fun to see other sweaty middle-aged women working hard to take care of their bodies.

I once tried aqua dance workout at the gym, and these older ladies in their tropical print one-piece skirt bathing suits were hilarious. Everything was funny, and it was a great time. Laughing in your bathing suit with grandmas under the influence of the strong smell of chlorine turns out to be marvelous! However, I need a workout to be harder. I need to be pushed. To be encouraged, to be cheered on and pushed to work out a little harder. I need the recognition of how sweaty I got. I need someone to notice.

The accountability group ended eventually, and I floundered. I missed the external recognition.

When I pushed myself to get to back on track with Beach Body workouts, I found and printed out a 100-day calendar for Morning Meltdown 100 on Beach Body and taped it to my bathroom mirror. As it turns out, I can be the one who notices, who encourages myself. I can check off the workout, smile, and high five myself in the mirror on the way to the shower.


We live 20 minutes from the gym. There have been times in my life when the gym was exactly what I needed- either because my kids were little and could play in the kid zone, or because I tore my ACL and needed the pool for strengthening my knee, or because I needed to pick up on guys. Those days are (LONG) gone, and spending 40 minutes traveling to and from means I don’t go. With the Morning Meltdown program, I’ve worked out and taken a shower within 40 minutes!

One of the best things about spending a month in Maine each summer is how convenient it is to exercise, to get outdoors and do something active. The tennis courts are available every afternoon, the 9 hole golf course requires no tee time. The kayaks await a nice morning, and biking in this area gives my eyes plenty to feast on. Life back in Maryland for the other 11 months is designed differently- less athletically.

I’ve taken to leaving my weights & workout mat conveniently placed next to the couch. If I’m not careful, I’ll trip and the 12 pounders might take me down. And yet, I take that risk because I need a workout practice that I practically trip over. It’s got to be easy to do right now, before the phone buzzes or a better idea comes along.


My favorite work out is a good run. On a good run, I can let all the bullshit fall away so that all I can do is breathe. As I breathe, I pray “I con-sent-[exhale]” … whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo. Bishop Eugene Sutton taught us clergy one time that “prayer is an act of consenting to be present with God.” We don’t make God show up by praying, rather, we consent to showing up to the God who always is right here. So I started a breath prayer of “I con-sent- [exhale]” as I run and it transports me to a place where God and I can really spend some quality time together.

However, as I age, I need to be careful with how hard and often I’m pounding the pavement. Being able to do a 30 minute arm workout one day and a core routine the next spices things up, and honestly- it makes me work out muscles I would otherwise never get to work out.

I’m back to running, and I’ve started a group of accountability partners for the Baltimore Running Festival on October 17. I still crave that type of external accountability, a place to post a run pic and hear “atta girl!” from another person. If you are interested, join us in this virtual running festival! We are doing a variety of events. My event? A marathon I can run over 17 days! It’s called the 26.2 Mile Challenge. Atta girl!

Dina van Klaveren

Spiritual leader, deep thinker, bounce back expert… California-native Dina van Klaveren embraces a lifestyle of Good News as a mom, wife, daughter, friend, coach, Episcopal priest, consultant, friend, and writer.


Time for PANDA! (morning routine)


So, what is Good News?