Today I found myself pleasantly lost.
Lost in the woods along the Monocracy river, drunk on the cool air and dappled sunlight, entranced by the clumps of grasses underfoot and the back-and-forth birdsong. Lost in a writing exercise among a collection of brilliant new friends. Lost in dreaming and hoping for good things to come. Lost in ukulele lullaby.
Lost in trust.
Trust that God will continue doing what God is doing, which I believe includes restoring humanity to a deep connection with the divine Presence and one another, drawing us away from being violated and violent, intoxicating us with peace and goodness.
How can I find myself lost more often? I wondered when I came back to reality strengthened and cheered by reverie.
In returning and rest you shall be saved, answers Isaiah.
Li Po (8th-century poet) answers:
The birds have vanished into the sky,
and now the last cloud drains away.
We sit together, the mountain and me,
until only the mountain remains.
Image by @gavrix at Unsplash