Through Adversity
The ACE test is like golf — a low score is better. My score was pretty high, and that caused me to reflect on how I survived and grew resilient.
My best guess: Good people. Good people were there to listen, direct, comfort, affirm and shape me.
Jesus doesn’t know how to drive
“Jesus take the wheel!” goes some country song.
Are you kidding? Don’t you know Jesus walked everywhere? Once in awhile he traveled by boat or donkey.
Jesus doesn’t know how to drive.
But you (probably) do.
(Side tangent for the comments…. if Jesus could drive, what kind of car would he have?)
A bridge from A to B
When I do get out of bed early to work out or write, I feel very confident all day, like I’m wired into my values and my purpose. I feel a little like a rock star. There’s a prayer on page 836 of The Book of Common Prayer that includes a line that describes this rock star feeling for me:
“We thank you for setting us at tasks which demand our best efforts, and for leading us to accomplishments which SATISFY and DELIGHT us.”
Ready for the challenge
Unsinkably sinkable
The COVID-19 cases are carrying into scary territory. It felt somewhat manageable two weeks ago. Now I’m feeling very concerned. How can I shore up those habits that draw me and my loved ones toward health, safety, inner peace, even joy? How to continue living well while also understanding and responding to the science we see on charts and from Johns Hopkins?
As things seem to be sinking deeper and deeper, how can we invest in remaining spiritually unsinkable?
I’m never quite sure what to call that space within us that houses and fosters resilience or spiritual unsinkability. I often refer to it in church conversations as the space or sense that “it is well with my soul.” If you do not know this hymn, check out the lyrics.